
Why are buyer personas important for your company’s digital marketing strategy?


If you have been involved in the marketing world during the past 5 years, you have probably heard of the term ‘Buyer Persona’. Most companies believe that they have identified and understood their Buyer Persona/s, but when the questions kick in, they are surprised of the outcome! If you have landed on this blog post […]

What Makes a User Friendly Website in Cyprus?


As time passes more and more Cypriot businesses consider having a presence in the online world. As Blue Corona stated, in a 2019 online study, “Between 70-80% of people research a company online BEFORE visiting the small business or making a purchase with them.” This implies that part of the online success of any business depends on how ‘good’ their […]

5 Tips for Choosing the Best Website Design Company Cyprus


Have you spent thousands of Euros on your website but haven’t received anything in return to show? Is your website a jewel, in terms of website design, but has no return on investment in the form of leads? Are you disappointed with the navigation and overall performance of your website? If your answer is ‘Yes’ […]

Optimizing WordPress Speed: 4 Mistakes to Avoid


WordPress is a fabulous platform for creating interesting and engaging websites, but if it is not correctly optimized, it can be a slow, lumbering beast! Use this quick guide to find out four of the biggest mistakes people make and avoid these pitfalls in optimizing WordPress speed. Number 1: Ignoring plugin updates Plugins are essential […]

The Ultimate Payment Gateways Guide


How to Choose the Ultimate Payment Gateway Processing payments is a crucial part of any business, therefore, choosing the right payment gateway is essential. There is a good choice of payment gateways, so the best course of action is to look through the benefits that each one offers and see which one is user-friendly and […]

Design Your Product to Convert


How to Develop a Website Conversion Strategy All website owners aim to keep their conversion rates at a maximum. However, the achievement of that aim is often elusive for most agencies simply because they are on the wrong path. Instead of designing their websites to create interest, they only fair excellently in using them as […]

WP Administration Services Masterclass


WordPress Administration Services: The Essential First Steps WordPress is the most popular content management system out there for a number of good reasons. It empowers millions of people with something to say to make their online voices heard. Furthermore, it takes the technicality out of creating and personalising a web presence. It does away with […]

3 Steps To A Successful Initiation Of A Digital Strategy

digital strategy

Introduction A digital marketing strategy is a plan that outlines how an organization will use digital technologies, tools, and platforms to achieve its business goals. It involves leveraging digital channels, such as websites, social media, email, and mobile apps, to connect with customers, promote products or services, and drive business growth. It should align with […]