
10 Tips to Choose the Right Web Development Company

Introduction When you’re looking for a web development company, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. The wrong one could end up costing you more money and time than you bargained for—or worse, they may leave you with an unusable website that doesn’t even resemble what you wanted. Fortunately, we […]

SEO for WordPress: 8 Actionable Steps that are definitely required

WordPress SEO

WordPress is among the most popular content management systems in the world.  It’s open source, free, and SEO-friendly. However, simply using WordPress doesn’t guarantee your website will rank No. 1 on Google. You still need to follow best practices and provide real value to users. Below we outline the 8 actionable steps that will help […]

Website Redesign SEO Checklist: Relaunch Your Site Without Losing Rankings

Website Redesign SEO

Redesigning a website can both be a blessing and a curse! We have you covered with our Website Redesign SEO Checklist! A website redesign can improve the appearance, conversion rate, visitor experience, and other aspects of your site. A redesign, on the other hand, can really affect your search engine rankings and traffic. In this […]

Προγραμμα επιχορηγησης μικρομεσαιων επιχειρησεων για την ψηφιακη τους αναβαθμιση 2022

Το πρόγραμμα ψηφιακής επιχορήγησης, που ανακοινώθηκε από την κυπριακή κυβέρνηση, καλύπτει μέχρι και 50% του επιλέξιμου προϋπολογισμού, με ανώτατο όριο επιχορήγησης τα 50.000 ευρώ. Το Υπουργείο Ενέργειας, Εμπορίου και Βιομηχανίας ανακοίνωσε στις 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022 πρόγραμμα ενίσχυσης των μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων, στο πλαίσιο της ψηφιακής τους αναβάθμισης. Δικαιούχοι της οικονομικής ενίσχυσης είναι: Ήδη υφιστάμενες μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις […]

10 Good Reasons Why You Should Use Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Web analytics is crucial for the expansion of a business website because it provides insights into your visitors’ behavior within your site. While there are numerous online analytics solutions available, Google Analytics is the most popular and widely used!  With Google Analytics you can monitor and get an understanding of your customers’ behaviour, user experiences, […]

Meet the new generation of Google Analytics

In today’s society, businesses must understand their customer’s complicated, multi-platform experiences — and at the same time emphasise on their privacy. In 2020 Google released the new generation of Google Analytics; Google Analytics 4, to address these growing measurement standards and assist businesses in succeeding. Google Analytics 4 offered the ability to measure a wide […]

5 Reasons why you should hire a professional web design agency

It is a fact that people nowadays search for everything they want online when they are looking for something and finding all the information in one place, the website, makes everything much easier! So imagine the damage of the company when it does not have its own website, both in the online and the offline […]

9 Ways/Tips to Sustain your SEO when Redesigning your Website

When it comes to Cyprus SEO (Search Engine Optimization), redesigning your website can feel like stepping into the hazard zone – for one just simple reason – you could lose all your search engine ranking and you will have to start all over again. Thankfully, this does not have to happen if the transition is […]

Top 10 Web Design Trends in 2022

Since the invention of the world wide web (i.e: www), web design in Cyprus has changed dramatically, and 2022 will unveil a new era of design trends – being more simple, clean and visually attractive. We will take you through the Top 10 website design trends you should be aware of for this year and […]